For centuries, cultures around the world have used dance as a way to pray, celebrate, express, and connect. When the energy that naturally moves through the body is expressed through intentional movement, it has the capacity to reconnect us with our own Source energy and power of manifestation.

This is a practice that, in mainstream culture has been lost.

We have become disconnected from the wisdom that we each innately hold in our bodies. We have become disconnected from the knowledge of how to use dance to pray, call in, and manifest what we desire in life.

But just because we have drifted away from these practices does not mean they have been lost forever!

This knowledge still lives inside each of us, waiting to be reactivated and used for its purpose- to bring us into align with our highest expression of life.

Using movement as a ritual practice can be done by absolutely anyone. There is no skill required. The only element necessary is a willingness to open to the unseen realm of energy, and to prioritize creating time and space to be fully present with your self, your feeling body, and all of the vibrations flowing through you.

Once we learn to tap into the river of energy flowing inside, welcoming it in every form- from the most gentle drips to the 10 foot high crashing waves- then we can learn to harness this power, activate it, and direct it through the body in a way that supports us stepping more fully into our power.

We become the masters of our reality, knowing that what is outside is a direct reflection of that is happening on the inside. 

MANA Movement is a course designed to suit all women, no matter what your experience or skill level with other movement practices is.

In fact, this course has been designed for any woman who is ready to awaken more of their feminine expression.

Who is ready to feel more expansive, radiant, passionate, and in love with themselves and their life!

This is the moment when you get to CHOOSE YOU.

What you Receive


10 Pre-recorded guided practice videos & introductory documents

Deep dive into the MANA Movement Practice, learning the ins and outs of this powerful practice


A Global Online community for women which offers monthly Live embodiment workshop with Mana Mei and Guest Facilitators, as well as replays of all past workshops.


A safe space to share about your journey, ask questions, and gather inspiration and support from other women who have purchased and are journeying through the MANA Movement Course



Activate your energy body.

Drop into deep awareness of the feeling body.

Arrive fully in the Now.



Release stagnation and Feel more.

Welcome the full spectrum of emotions.

Be in celebration of the beauty of it all.



Liberate your Truth.

Reconnect with your unique gifts.

Realign with your highest expression.

See what others have to say...

"The MANA Immersion was a really really deep awakening of Heart spirit. And now I am out the other side, emerging with this feeling of new beginnings. I am so grateful that Mana Mei exists and for all that she has shared in her offerings and her Beingness. Her medicine has opened me up to a whole new vision of who I am, what I can do and experience in this life, in this body, giving me this beautiful foundation to continue to rise from." ~ Minou Sadeghi

"The MANA Immersion has activated the most essential part of me that I had forgotten about. Mana Mei fully activated my spirit with her divine essence and I am so in love with myself and with her soul. I feel my purpose is to continue to dive into this journey with her and to proliferate this magical energy she has infused into me and that I feel the world absolutely must absorb in order to shift into this new chapter of existence. So much gratitude to Mana for being the light that she is. So much gratitude for being on this journey. We have the power!" ~Louise Bain

mana mei

Hi, I'm Mana Mei.

I am a classically trained ballet and modern dancer, having 28 years of technical dance training as well as 10 years of personal embodied dance and expressive movement exploration. After dancing professionally with internationally touring modern dance companies in California, I moved to Bali and began the creation of many passionate offerings, events, workshops and retreats of embodied dance, authentic connection through movement, empowering women through embodiment, personalized embodied movement coaching, and live performance dance invocations. I currently tours Internationally with her creative offerings of MANA Movement, CLAY- An Embodied Ritual, and The Embodied Dance Journeys. Mana recently launched Embodied Dance Temple Keepers, a facilitator training, as a way to empower women to connect in global sisterhood and spread the healing medicine of embodied dance around the world.

As a sacred temple keeper, I create and hold containers where people can safely explore and reconnect with all of their expressions, from the soft and subtle to the raw and wild. I guide women to tune into their authentic movement desires as a way to unlock suppressed personal expression and liberate the body, mind, and spirit so that they may realize their true and full potential as activated humans.

I believe that our bodies are vessels built to explore all of the complexities of the human experience and by becoming deeply embodied and engaging with others from this place, we may feel our truest connection to the universe and realigning ourselves with the magnificent life we all deserve!